Training Instructions
Prior to the start of your training, you will receive important communication from your Recruiter, a Training Support Rep, our Training Admin team, and your Learning Coach. Below is an outline of the information you will receive as well as communication to expect. If you do not receive the outlined communication, please reach out to your Recruiter.
Tuesday Morning:
Thursday Afternoon:
Monday Morning:
Training Attendance
Each participant is expected to be fully present for the 3-week training. You will be required to be on camera during live sessions for attendance purposes.
Each week will include a total of 8 Mandatory Live Sessions. If you miss any live session, you will be removed and asked to join a future training.
*It is extremely important to follow your pacing guide throughout training. DO NOT take
any assessments until instructed to do so by your Learning Coach.*
LLS Training Mentor
All Spanish interpreters will be assigned a LLS Training mentor for the first 4 weeks following going live. INTs will work with this training mentor for the first hour of their shift during the 4-week period. This hour-long shift will be scheduled in Deputy under Mentoring Training. INTs will log in for this one hour in Deputy and will log in for their interpreting shift following.
Attendance to this training is mandatory. Leaves not pre-approved during the hiring process will not be able to be approved during this mentoring period. Please be sure to notify your recruiter and TSR of any time you may need to be out so that they can work with you.
Information from LLS Mentors will be sent to an INT's Rackspace email. It is extremely important to be monitoring both your personal and Rackspace email during and after training for information from our Kelly Team as well as your LLS Training Mentor.