Scheduling Requirements

Scheduling Requirements – All scheduling requirements are determined by language of interpretation.

**Please note we do operate based on client need. Schedules can be adjusted at any time per the request of the client to fit their staffing requirements.**

Schedule changes are not permitted during an INT's first 90 days.

We cannot schedule any Interpreter for more than 5 days per week, more than 8 hours per day (7.5 working hours), or more than 40 (37.5 hours) per week. We do require a minimum 12-hour rest period between the end of a night shift and the start of the morning shift the next day. Schedule change requests will remain in effect for a minimum of 90 days after their effective start date for all languages. 

ASL Schedule changes are posted the last or first week two months prior to the month being posted. Schedule changes must be submitted the week before the posting to be considered for approval. For example, the schedule for March will be posted the last week of December or first full week of January, so changes would have to be submitted the second to last week of December. For all other languages please note schedule is posted for three months at a time with the same example as above on posting timeline.


Spanish and T3/OSL Interpreters are required to work a minimum of 20 hours per week. 

ASL Interpreters are required to work a minimum of 15 hours per week. 

Any INT who falls below the weekly minimum will be subject to appear on our schedule report, which can result in disciplinary action. The only exception to falling below the weekly minimum is to be on a pre-approved leave or to provide an excuse note for the absence. If an offered shift is picked up causing an INT to fall below the weekly minimum the INT will be expected to pick up open shifts to meet the weekly minimum requirements.


**These hour counts do not include breaks. For example, five shifts at 5.5 hours per day would equate to 25 hours for the week due to the required 30-minute breaks. 



Unscheduled Shifts    Unscheduled shifts are not permitted under any circumstance. 

When going to start your shift, if Deputy shows “Start Unscheduled Shift” you are not allowed to clock in. If you believe there is a scheduling error, you must immediately email for assistance. Staying online and logged in for a shift accepting new calls following your designated clock out time is also considered working unscheduled. You may only work when scheduled in Deputy. If it is found that an INT is working unscheduled shifts they will be issued an immediate final warning. Going forward the INT will not be paid for any hours worked unscheduled. If the INT is found to be working unscheduled again it may be grounds for immediate termination. 

SPA and T3/OSL Schedule Requirements:

Please note due to company policy we require a minimum schedule of 20 hours per week not including breaks. A 30-minute break is required for every shift 5 hours or more. This would mean to meet the minimum 20-hour requirement, for example, we would need 5.5 hour shifts 4 days a week.

  • Please note we cannot schedule any INT for more than 5 days per week, more than 8 hours per day (7.5 working hours), or more than 40 hours per week (37.5 hours).
  • Shifts are required to be a minimum of 2 hours in length.
  • We do require a 12-hour rest period between the end of a night shift and the start of the morning shift the next day.
  • Split shifts on the same day will require a minimum 2 hour rest between shifts.
  • Split shifts cannot exceed 2 per day.
  • Schedule changes will go into effect with the next schedule posting.
  • Schedule changes are not permitted during an INT's first 90 days.

ASL Schedule Requirements:

Please note due to company policy we require a minimum schedule of 15 hours per week not including breaks. A 30-minute break is required for every shift 5 hours or more. This would mean to meet the minimum 15-hour requirement, for example, we would need 5.5 hour shifts 3 days a week.

  • Please note we cannot schedule any INT for more than 5 days per week, more than 8 hours per day, or more than 40 hours per week (37.5 hours).
  • Shifts are required to be a minimum of 1 hour in length.
  • Split shifts on the same day will require a minimum 1 hour rest between shifts.
  • Schedule changes will go into effect with the next month’s schedule posting. 
  • Schedule changes are not permitted during an INT's first 90 days.

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