Unable to Work
**Please note that direct communication regarding any and all absences must be submitted to 33uL@kellyservices.com alongside following any of the options below**
Below are examples of what to do in the event that you are unable to work your scheduled shift:
Full Day Leave:
If you know in advance that you are not able to work a shift, please submit the leave on Deputy by following the below steps. (Keep in mind that by requesting the leave, you agree that you cannot work during this time.)
1. Go to deputy
2. Go Me
3. Go to Request Time off
4. Go to Leave and enter the dates that you want off. Select the box "All day." Please note you must select “Leave.” The unavailability feature is not supported in Deputy.
5. Select leave type “unpaid-leave”
6. Notified manager(s) You can select any member of the United States/PR Talent Care Team
7. Click “Add”
Notes: Partial leaves CANNOT be approved in Deputy.
Please note requesting leave daily, weekly, or requesting leaves that show any type of pattern can result in a leave denial. If you need a multi-day or multi-week leave, please be sure to send the full leave as one leave request and include the days off in between as back-to-back leaves will not be approved.
Leaves will always be subject to review and may not be approved same-day or for new talents during their first 90 days.
Up to 30 consecutive days of leave can be approved. If an INT is on a 30 day leave the INT must communicate with 33UL@Kellyservices.com on or before day 27 of the leave. If no communication has been received during this process an email will be sent to the INT on day 27. If a response is not received within 72 hours, and you do not return to your shift on your designated return date, your contract will be ended.
Partial Leave Requests:
To request a partial leave, you must email 33UL@kellyservices.com with at least 24–48 hour notice. In this email you must include the following:
1. The date and full shift time you will be requesting partial leave from (mm/dd ____ PST)
2. The hours out of the shift you can work that day (Can work ____ PST)
We will then manually adjust the shift in Deputy.
Please note partial leaves should not be requested on a daily or weekly basis and, similar to full day leaves, are subject to review on a case-by-case basis.
Partial leave requests do not use any of the allotted leave days, as INTs will work some hours that day.
Offer a shift:
If you are unable to work a shift during your first 90 days or because something unexpected happen the same day or a couple of hours before your shift starts, please “offer” the shift(s) in Deputy, make sure that you are offering the shift by using the step below. *It is also important to note that those options are for urgent and unexpected matters. It is not meant to be used on a regular basis (i.e. weekly, monthly) and should only happen on rare occasions.
Email 33ul@kellyservices.com indicating the reason why you have offered you shift. Please note if your shift is not picked up by another INT you do remain ultimately responsible for that shift and those hours.
After offering your shift, please be sure to email 33uL@kellyservices.com to let us know as well.
Arriving late or leaving in the middle of a shift:
For future references, in case you are in the middle of your shift or arrive late due to something unexpected happening, please note that you won’t be able to offer your shift or request a leave as you already started your shift or will start the shift mid-way.
If you ever have to arrive late or leave early, please proceed by adding a note in the comment section of your timesheet as follows: “(Date) log in/out OR extra break at (time) due to a (Reason).” The note would help with your adherence and would help the timesheet team to approve your entered hours. Please also email us at 33ul@kellyservices.com and let us know you will be noting your timesheet. This is so we can also enter a note in Deputy for you.
The comment box is right beside the submit button, before clocking out your timesheet.
Removing a Leave:
If you are suddenly able to work a shift where you were previously on leave, please email 33uL@kellyservices.com to have the leave removed. We do need 24-hour advance notice to remove any leaves. Once a leave is removed your set schedule will be added back to Deputy. If the leave placed was outlined on a doctor's note, we will need an updated note allowing you to return to work sooner signed by a practitioner.