Adherence and Attendance Policy - Kelly US

Adherence and Attendance Report- ASL, T3/OSL, and L3 and L4 SPA INTs

Adherence Report - A report is run weekly to review Interpreters’ adherence to their posted schedules. Interpreters are responsible for showing up to work on time and working their posted shifts in their entirety. 

Kelly Services makes every effort to accommodate leave and absence requests that are submitted. Interpreters are expected to take responsibility for the appropriate use of time off. If you must miss a shift for any reason, please be sure to follow the steps outlined for requesting leave. 

Attendance Report -  A report is run daily to review Interpreters’ attendance for a single shift in the week.

 Interpreters are expected to take responsibility for the appropriate use of time off. If you must miss a shift for any reason, please be sure to follow the steps outlined for requesting leave or providing an excuse note.


Excessive absences, tardiness, abuse of leave, and failure to report or call in will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment. 


Disciplinary Action:  

  • Coaching/Education by member of the Talent Care or Scheduling Team. Provides in writing of what you can improve to avoid future reports. 
  • Warning – In writing notice that improvement has not been seen.
  • Termination – In writing that there was no improvement. Will receive in writing effective termination date.

Prevention from appearing on the adherence report includes being on an approved leave entered in Deputy or by providing verifiable doctor's notes provided within the week of the absence.


The following examples are for illustrative purposes and demonstrate some, but not all, of the scenarios where discipline may result: 

Missing 3 Monday shifts will result in termination of contract.


Adherence and Break Policy: 

Failure to follow your schedule exactly as it is posted in Deputy will negatively affect your adherence. This includes starting your shift at its designated start time and ending your shift at the designated end time. If you are ever on a call that extends past your shift end time, you are to finish servicing the call and immediately log out. You must also add a comment to your timesheet using the below example. The note would help the approving team to approve your timesheet. Please also email the note to 33uL so that we may also make a note for you.



Adhering to your posted schedule also includes taking your breaks exactly as they are scheduled in Deputy in their entirety. Taking breaks as close as possible to the scheduled time is a requirement. In the case that you are on a call and are not able to take the break at the scheduled times please take your break immediately following the call.

5-minute break policy for SPA and T3 INTs:  

If you need to use the restroom, get a glass of water, or take a break after back-to-back calls, please do so with discretion. Kelly Services does allow you to take 5-minute breaks as needed, however we have seen a pattern in some instances of these breaks being used excessively.   

For example, a 5-minute break after every call or 5-minute breaks that equal 10 to 30 minutes when the shift was only 4 hours long. These additional breaks will be removed. 

Please note all schedules and breaks are based on our client’s needs, and we have clients and LEPs that are counting on you to adhere to your schedule. 

5-minute break policy for ASL INTs:

Please see the ASL Break Policy page for more information on breaks for ASL INTs


  1. Tardiness: defined as reporting to work late or returning from breaks and lunches late without identifying directly on the timesheet and emailing 
  2. Unexcused absence: Defined as patterns in absences (e.g., calling out every Sunday or leaving early every Friday), calling off excessively, or calling off within your first 90 days on assignment (extenuating circumstances will require review case by case). 
  3. Inaccurate timesheets or falsely reporting hours worked: Defined as a Terminable offense that involves altering, changing, or modifying a document with incorrect/false information. Will result in immediate termination. 

Adherence and Attendance Report- SPA Monday Pilot INTs

Adherence Report - A report is run weekly to review Interpreters’ adherence to their posted schedules. Interpreters are responsible for showing up to work on time and working their posted shifts in their entirety. 

Kelly Services makes every effort to accommodate leave and absence requests that are submitted. Interpreters are expected to take responsibility for the appropriate use of time off. If you must miss a shift for any reason, please be sure to follow the steps outlined for requesting leave. 


Excessive absences, tardiness, abuse of leave, and failure to report or call in will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment. 


Disciplinary Action:  

  • First and Final Warning- Contact made by member of the Talent Care or Scheduling Team. Provides in writing of what you can improve to avoid future reports.     
  • Termination – In writing that there was no improvement. Will receive in writing effective termination date.

Prevention from appearing on the adherence report includes being on an approved leave entered in Deputy or by providing verifiable doctor's notes provided within the week of the absence.


The following examples are for illustrative purposes and demonstrate some, but not all, of the scenarios where discipline may result: 


Adherence and Break Policy: 

Failure to follow your schedule exactly as it is posted in Deputy will negatively affect your adherence. This includes starting your shift at its designated start time and ending your shift at the designated end time. If you are ever on a call that extends past your shift end time, you are to finish servicing the call and immediately log out. You must also add a comment to your timesheet using the below example. The note would help the approving team to approve your timesheet. Please also email the note to 33uL so that we may also make a note for you.



Adhering to your posted schedule also includes taking your breaks exactly as they are scheduled in Deputy in their entirety. Taking breaks as close as possible to the scheduled time is a requirement.

5-minute break policy:  

If you need to use the restroom, get a glass of water, or take a break after back-to-back calls, please do so with discretion. Kelly Services does allow you to take 5-minute breaks as needed, however we have seen a pattern in some instances of these breaks being used excessively.   

For example, a 5-minute break after every call or 5-minute breaks that equal 10 to 30 minutes when the shift was only 4 hours long. These additional breaks will be removed. 

Please note all schedules and breaks are based on our client’s needs, and we have clients and LEPs that are counting on you to adhere to your schedule. 



  1. Tardiness: defined as reporting to work late or returning from breaks and lunches late without identifying directly on the timesheet and emailing 
  2. Unexcused absence: Defined as patterns in absences (e.g., calling out every Sunday or leaving early every Friday), calling off excessively, or calling off within your first 90 days on assignment (extenuating circumstances will require review case by case). 
  3. Inaccurate timesheets or falsely reporting hours worked: Defined as a Terminable offense that involves altering, changing, or modifying a document with incorrect/false information. Will result in immediate termination. 

Additional Adherence Information

Unscheduled Shifts Unscheduled shifts are not permitted under any circumstance. 

When going to start your shift, if Deputy shows “Start Unscheduled Shift” you are not allowed to clock in. If you believe there is a scheduling error, you must immediately email for assistance. Staying online and logged in for a shift accepting new calls following your designated clock out time is also considered working unscheduled. You may only work when scheduled in Deputy. If it is found that an INT is working unscheduled shifts, they will be issued an immediate final warning. Going forward the INT will not be paid for any hours worked unscheduled. If the INT is found to be working unscheduled again it may be grounds for immediate termination. 

If you are ever unable to work, you must follow one of the options below depending on the situation: 



If you know in advance that you are not able to work a shift, please submit the leave on Deputy by following the below steps. (Keep in mind that by requesting leave, you agree that you cannot work during this time.) 


1.         Go to deputy 

2.         Go Me 

3.         Go to Request Time off 

4.         Go to Leave and enter the dates that you want off.  If you need the whole day, click the box "All day." 

5.         Select leave type “unpaid leave” 

6.         Notified manager(s) *You would select your current scheduling team. (Ashley Campbell and Kaitlyn Root as of 2023) 

7.         Click “Add” 


Notes: Partial leave CANNOT be approved in Deputy. 

Leaves will always be subject to review and may not be approved on the same day or for new talents during their first 90 days. Leaves cannot exceed 30 consecutive days. 

If for any reason you need more than 30 days, or you are still in your first 90 days, you would need to reach out to and provide us with the following to forward to Human Resources for review: 

Your name, ID#, and Language 

A brief description of the accommodation you are requesting- such as FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act), the dates you will need off, the reason for requesting the accommodation, etc. 


Offer a shift: 

If you are unable to work a shift because something unexpected happen the same day or a couple of hours before your shift starts or you are still in your 90-day probationary period, please “offer” the shift(s) in Deputy, make sure that you are offering the shift by using the step below. It is also important to note that those options are for urgent and unexpected matters.  It is not meant to be used on a regular basis (i.e., weekly, monthly) and should only happen on rare occasions. 


  1. Clicking on the shift the want to “offer” 
  2. Click “Can’t work” 
  3. “Offer” shift 

Email indicating the reason why you have offered your shift. Please note if your shift is not picked up by another INT you do remain ultimately responsible for that shift and those hours


After offering your shift, please be sure to email to let us know as well. 



In the case you are in the middle of your shift or arrive late due to something unexpected happening,

Arriving Late or Leaving Early:

Please note that you won’t be able to offer your shift or request a leave as you already started your shift or will start the shift midway

If you ever have to arrive late or leave early, please proceed by adding a note in the comment section of your timesheet as follows: (Date) log in/out at (time) due to a (Reason).”  The note would help with your adherence and would help the timesheet team to approve your entered hours. Please also email us at and let us know you will be noting your timesheet. This is so we can also enter a note in Deputy for you. 

The comment box is right beside the submit button, before clocking out your timesheet. 


Please note, excuse notes can be emailed to to excuse any absences and cover any missed days. If offered shifts are not picked up, or hours are missed within a shift, excuse notes are the best way to protect adherence. Excuse notes must be provided within the week of the absence to protect adherence. Excuse notes must also list INT name or state that they are a guardian who attended an appointment.

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