Sick Pay and Vacation Pay Process

Please follow the below steps if you are ever interested in using sick pay or vacation pay: 

*Please note sick pay and vacation pay amounts are determined by your city and state of residence; not all employees qualify for sick pay due to this factor. Accrued hours can be found on your most recent paystub. Both sick pay and/or vacation pay can only be applied to days in which you have not worked any hours and a leave can be entered. If you will be missing more than 2 days an excuse note will be required. Not all employees will qualify to use accrued vacation pay, as use of accrued vacation pay is determined by time employed with Kelly Services. Sick pay should be used only on days where you are sick or when you have a medical appointment. If you are requesting sick pay for a medical appointment a doctor's note must be provided to have sick pay processed.


If you know you would like to use sick pay or vacation pay for a day, please request a leave in Deputy. 

1.         Go to deputy 

2.         Go Me 

3.         Go to Request Time off 

4.         Go to Leave and enter the dates that you want off.  If you need the whole day, click the box "All day." 

5.         Select leave type “unpaid-leave” 

6.         Notified manager(s) *You would select your current scheduling team. (Ashley Campbell and Kaitlyn Root as of 2023) 

7.         Click “Add” *Include in the comment section that you are requesting sick pay or vacation pay to 33uL*

8. Email 33UL with the following: "Please process ____ hours of sick/vacation pay for (Date)." 

Vacation pay cannot be requested for a past date if a leave was not already in place.

Neither sick pay nor vacation pay can be processed in advance. In order to request sick pay or vacation pay please email 33uL on or after the date in which you are requesting pay to be processed.

Once your leave is approved, please reach out providing the details for your sick pay request including the date and hours you would like processed for sick pay. Please note hours cannot exceed what you would have been scheduled for on that day. 


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