ASL Licensing
Licensing steps do vary by state. review the below provided documents and state specific information regarding licensing.
All ASL INTs will work with both Shaina Bursey and Amanda Payne on their licensing. Their contact information can be found below:
Shaina Bursey:
Amanda Payne:
Starting the Process
Although you may already hold an RID National Certification as an ASL interpreter, to interpret for Language Line Solutions, it is required that you obtain additional licensing. These licenses are required for 10 states. The 10 states are: Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Wisconsin.
You will need to complete the application process and submit them for each state. Please complete these in a timely manner. Expected time frame of completion of applications is 30 days after receiving this email.
Kelly Services will sponsor ALL fees associated with these licenses. Kelly Services will be invoiced directly OR reimburse for all the licensing/registration fees from each state. Please, If you pay for any fees out of your own pocket for any of the additional state licenses, keep all receipts to ensure a simple reimbursement.
Miscellaneous fee reimbursement: If you happen to incur any additional miscellaneous fees surrounding the licensing process (i.e. recording fingerprints, ordering transcripts and other documentation, etc.), Kelly Services will reimburse you for those fees incurred so please be sure to hold onto all receipts and confirmations of payment as proof that you paid out of pocket.
What you need to get started:
To be able to open .pdf and .word documents, a printer, checks and a debit or credit card, envelopes and stamps, blue or black ink pen, copies of photo ID, birth certificates or SSN3 Passport photos, Copy of RID card, copies of your schooling or other credentials.
NOTE: If you already hold any of these licenses or are currently registered with any of the 10 states listed above, please notify Kelly Services by sending us an email to: Shaina Bursey
Unable to print? If you do not have access to a printer to print/fill out any of the applications, please let us know by sending an email to Shaina Bursey
Submitting Your time for Payment
As time to complete license applications is paid, please see instructions below on how to add it to Deputy.
How to enter the time you have spent working on your additional state licenses in Deputy:
Only use unscheduled option to enter the time you have spent working on your state license. Never work/grab an unscheduled shift.
Please work on your state licenses only outside of your schedule shifts, your schedule shifts should be and priority and need to be completed to avoid any adherence issues.
Please Log as follows:
1.Under the “Me” tap on Deputy, click the green “Start shift” bottom.
2.Once you click “Start shift” a drop-down menu will pop-out.
3.Please select “ASL licensing” option.
4.Click “start shift.”
5.Before ending the shift add a note in the comment section of your timesheet indicating the state license you were working on.
6.Once you finish, please click “end shift.”
This will allow for payment for hours worked on licensing to be added to your pay.
If you experience any issues while attempting to log your ASL licensing hours, please email with the exact time and date you worked on licensing to have this reviewed and a timesheet manually entered on your behalf.
State of Arizona Licensure Application: 2-Part Application - Online Submission & Email
This application will be submitted online. This application fee will be $125 for a 1 year license.
This application is comprised of 2 parts:
General Online Application (this is submitted online)
Statement of Citizenship: This is in PDF format and will need to be filled out and emailed or mailed.
Please note: Kelly Services will be sponsoring the $125 fee for this application via check that will be issued directly to the State of Arizona Therefore, you will need to do the following:
In the section of the General Application "PAYMENT INFORMATION, MAILING ADDRESS & QUESTIONS", please use the email links provided and send an email directly to Ashley Martin ( at the State of Arizona stating your full name, that you've completed your online application, and that invoicing will need to be sent directly to Shaina Bursey to have payment issued for associated fee. Please note: Do NOT attempt to pay out of your pocket for this application fee.
If you have any questions regarding this application, please reach out to
Kelly Services: Shaina Bursey
State of Arizona: Ashley Martin: –
(602) 542-3659
(Part 1): Link to General Online Application for the State of Arizona:
(Part 2): Link to download PDF for Statement of Citizenship Form:
Link to General Info for the Arizona Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (ACDHH):
State of Arkansas Interpreter Licensure Application: (Online Submission)
This application will be submitted online. The application fee will be $90 for an initial license for a 1 year. The Annual Renewal Fee are $75.00.
You will be required to supply three professional letters of recommendation when applying for your Arkansas State License, Kelly Services will provide you with one of the three. The others may come from past employment, fellow colleagues and or other individuals of your choice.
Please note: Kelly Services will be sponsoring the $90 fee for this application via check that will be issued directly to the State of Arkansas. Therefore, you will need to do the following:
When you reach the "Initial Licensure Fee Waiver" section, please check the "Not applicable" option.
In the following section for "Application Fees", please check the option "Initial Application and Licensure Fee - $90.00"
Enter $90.00 in the "Total Amount Included" section.
In the empty space provided at the bottom of the form "Use this space to explain your reason for consideration of a late fee approval and reinstatement of your license.", please type the following message: "Kelly Services will be fully sponsoring my 1 year application fee of $90.00. Please contact Shaina Bursey to send my invoice to have payment issued directly from Kelly Services on my behalf. - Thank you."
Upon completing your online application, please send an email to the State of Arkansas at: and CC: Shaina Bursey so that they'll invoice Kelly Services for your initial application fee. If you are renewing, please do the same when completing your renewal application.
Link to Online Application:
Link to General Online Info:
Please do not click the "Next" button until after you have submitted your online application for the State of Arkansas. Feel free to reach out directly to Shaina Bursey if you have any questions regarding this application instructions.
State of Connecticut Application for Registration: E-Mail or Mail Submission
In order to perform services for any resident located in the state of Connecticut, it is required that you are a registered ASL interpreter. This state offers a 1-year term Registration.
Note: This application is FREE OF CHARGE so there are no associated fees with this process.
This application is in PDF format, so you can submit this in two different ways:
To get started, you will need to access the PDF file by clicking here:
Here is the link to the website's general info for the state of Connecticut and Deaf & Hard of Hearing Interpreter Registry:
Once you've submitted your application, please notify Kelly Services by sending an email to: Shaina Bursey
Receiving your Registration: The state of Connecticut will send you an update via email once your registration is complete.
State of Kentucky License Application: Hardcopy Mail Submission
The state of Kentucky license application has a 1 year term with a $175 fee. The application must be submitted as follows:
Printed, filled out in black ink only and mailed to the following address:
Regular Mail:
Kentucky Board of Interpreters for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing
PO Box 1360
Frankfort, KY 40602
FedEx/UPS Overnight:
Attn: Tiler Hahn
Public Protection Cabinet
Department of Professional Licensing
500 Mero Street – 2 SC 32
Frankfort, KY 40601
Once your application has been completed, please send an email to notify the State of Kentucky at: and CC: Shaina Bursey Please indicate that you have mailed your completed application and to generate invoicing to Kelly Services directly for payment of the fees due.
Here is the link to the PDF application:
Link for General Information for the State of Kentucky Board of Interpreters:
If you have any questions regarding this application process, please contact Shaina Bursey
State of Michigan License Application - Print/Email/Mail
The State of Michigan License is for 1 year and has a fee of:
Initial Certification: $30
Endorsement (Medical/Mental Health; Deaf-Blind, Legal) $10
Renewal: $30
Renewal if submitted after expiration date: $45
NOTICE: Payment will need to be summited with application. Just as a few of the other licenses are, you will be reimbursed upon submitting a receipt.
Link to Application:
Link to Endorsement Form:
Link to Renewal Application:
FYI: You will need to complete the application and the required endorsement form. For the endorsement form, you will select the "medical endorsement" on the form and include with your application for submission.
Submitting your application via Mail - You can download, print, fill out and mail your application to:
Bureau of Community and Health Systems
PO Box 30664
Lansing, MI 48909
When mailing your application, please send an email notification to Shaina Bursey so we are aware you have started the process with the Michigan License.
Submitting your application via email: You can email the application and endorsement form directly to: and cc: Shaina Bursey
If you need any additional information, please access the State of Michigan website here for general information:,4601,7-154-89334_72600_84418---,00.html
(517) 335-1980
State of Missouri Licensure Application - Print/Mail (w/Fingerprint Submission)
The State of Missouri Application will require a 2-part submission process:
1. Application Submission (directly to the State of Missour)
2. Fingerprint Submission (to IdentoGo)
Steps are as follows:
• Print, complete and mail hardcopies. This application will need to be notarized. You should be able to search and locate local notary services near you online. Once your application has been completed, it will need to be mailed to:
P.O. BOX 1335
• You will need to mail your application along with payment for this state license. Please keep your receipt, once payment is confirmed. You will be reimbursed once receipt is submitted .Upon completion of your application, please send an email to notify the State of Missouri at: and cc: Shaina Bursey and let them know of your mail submission.
• Fingerprints will be required when the state of Missouri processes your application. You will have 2 options to choose from for the method in which you would prefer to submit your fingerprints. Those 2 options are indicated in the application instructions included in the link below. Note: If you select to manually submit your fingerprints, fingerprint cards will be made available to you if you send an email to Shaina Bursey
and request them and include your full name, home address and telephone number. The fingerprint cards will be mailed to your home address and you will need to follow the instructions to complete your submission (See instructions in link inclued below.)
• Online fingerprint registration: After your fingerprints have been taken on your cards, you will be required to complete an online registration with MACHS website here:
• The 4-digit registration number you will need to enter is "5418"
• There is a fee for the online registration.
• After your online fingerprint registration is completed, you will need to mail your fingerprint cards and registration confirmation page to the following address:
Cardscan Department - MO
340 Seven Springs Way, Suite 250
Brentwood, TN 37027
Link to State of Missouri Committee of Interpreters:
Link to all Missouri License forms:
Link to Social Security Disclosure Notice:
(Must Be completed with application).
State of New Hampshire Licensure Application: Email or Mail Submission
The State of New Hampshire license has a term duration of 3 Years and has a $200.00 Fee. The licensure application for the State of New Hampshire must:
Use this link to access the PDF application:
Here is the link to general information for interpreters for the State of New Hampshire Licensure Board:
If you have any questions regarding this process, please reach out to Shaina Bursey
State of Pennsylvania Registration - Email Submission
The State of Pennsylvania requires that you register as an ASL interpreter. This registration lasts for a 2-year period and has a fee of $100.00. Note: There are no application forms needed for this process. You will need to submit your request by generating an email. This process is initiated as follows:
Send an email to Dee Dee Keiser at and type in the subject line: "(Your Full Name) - Kelly Services Sponsored ASL Registration" and include the following information in the body of the email:
Full Name
Phone number
Email address
Do you want to be published in the Pennsylvania Data Base Y/N
Must include the following documents:
Copy of current RID Card (Must have one of the following approved certs on RID Card)
CI – Certification of Interpreter
CT – Certification of Transliterator
CDI – Certified Deaf Interpreter
CSC – Comprehension Skills Certification
MCSC – Master Comprehension SkillsCertification
NIC – National Interpreter Certification
NIC Advanced – National InterpreterCertification Advanced
NIC Master – National InterpreterCertification Master
NAD IV Advanced – National Association ofDeaf Advanced
NAD V Master – National Association of Deaf Master
Copy of Transcript (DEU credits)
CC: Shaina Bursey
Please also indicate that Kelly Services will be sponsoring your fee and to generate an invoice for payment to Kelly Services (c/o Shaina Bursey or Tatiana Burgos Mora).
Your registration should be processed after they've received payment from Kelly Services.
Registration Renewal Process: Fee is the same as a new registration
General Website for Info:
Contact name: Dee Dee Keiser
Email address:
State of Rhode Island Licensure Application: Print/Mail (Online for Renewal)
The State of Rhode Island has a 1 Year License and there is a $25.00 fee.
As an initial first-time applicant, you will need to print, fill out and mail your completed application to:
Rhode Island Board of Interpreters for the Deaf
Room 104
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908-5097
Link to download application:
Link to State of Rhode Island website for general info for interpreters:
Please note the following details on filling out this application:
Once you've filled out and mailed your application, please notify the State of Rhode Island by sending an email to: at to prompt the State of Rhode Island to generate an invoice for fees due to Kelly Services.
State of Wisconsin Licensure Application
The License for the State of Wisconsin has a $60.00 fee for first-time applicants. This must be paid upfront with your application and will be reimbursed after submitting the proper receipt.
Applicants will need to create an account and submit payment upon applying for your license, any card or checking account can be used at that time. You can create your account at
If you already have an account please log in and renew your license if you previously held a WI license.
If you are wondering about the application process: Wisconsin will also comment with what is still required once the application is reviewed by their team.
After submitting your application, please send an email notification to the state of Wisconsin
at E-Mail: and also cc: Shaina Bursey Please indicate that you have submitted your application so we are aware it has been completed. Please also send your license receipt to Shaina Bursey so we can reimburse you.